Saturday, 28 December 2013

European Reading Challenge 2013 Wrap-Up

It's time for a wrap-up. I've been enjoying this challenge, and it opens my mind on how little I know about Europe and how invariable my choices are when it comes to books. When it comes to reading, I realise that I partially tend to choose English books before anything and place French on the second spot. I don't really favour Russian books, and I have no German ones at all. I had Greek play just because I had to read it for another challenge and I list Othello for Italy - an English play with so little reliable reference to the place anyway. 

So here's the list of books I managed to read. I didn't get the five stars I longed for, but at least I was almost there.

LeBlanc - Eight Strokes of the Clock (France)
Euripides - The Trojan Women (Greece)
Shakespeare - Othello (Italy)
Tey, Josephine - Daughter of Time (England)

Hope my choices next year won't be so predictable.

1 comment:

  1. You came very close! You made it to the Honeymooner level. And I wouldn't call your choices predictable by any means. I think you are the only person to read Euripides for the challenge. :)

    Here is the sign up page for the 2014 European Reading Challenge:

    Hope you join us again!
