Thursday 3 January 2013

Classics Club January Meme: Best Book

What is the best book you’ve read so far for The Classics Club — and why? Be sure to link to the post where you discussed the book!

It will be Les Miserables. I'm so proud of myself that I actually finished the book and that I actually like it so much. Les Miserables is a good portrayal of people's living condition along with the ideas that they have in their minds. I love the way it is written as well. It feels like the book brings you here and there, through places and thoughts, sometimes abruptly and randomly but in time you start to see the connection between pieces.

Here's my analysis of the book, including volume-to-volume analysis.  


  1. I have failed in my first reading of Les Mis, maybe I should give it another chance in the future. But perhaps, Hugo is just not for me (I couldn't enjoy Hunchback of Notre Dame as well).

  2. I'm glad to hear that so many people love this book -- I got my copy in the mail just a few days ago and plan to get started when I finish Madame Bovary. :)

  3. Thanks to the LRP giveaway sponsored by joon ann, I am able to buy a clothbound copy of Les Mis! Yay! I've been wanting to have it for a while now, especially when I failed reading a digital copy of Les Mis. And it would be the first clothbound I ever have (they are expensive stuff :-| )
    I hope I can read it within this year!

    1. Yay! Please finish it ASAP and let me read your review..

  4. I've seen the movie several times but always failed to finish the book. Waiting for another Les Mis read along. Well done! :)

    1. Another read-along would be a temptation for me for a re-read. That would be an excellent idea..
