Thursday 31 May 2012

June: A Victorian Celebration

So this month will be a start of 2 months journey of Victorian adventures through literature. I have always loved Victorian Era and all the elegance, mystery, and even the darkness of the era. I love the fashion, the language, the sarcasm in the language, the history, everything.

That's why I decided to join the celebration held by A Literary Odyssey and in this post I'd like to mention some of the books that I'll read during the next 2 months. I won't list too much, since I am not sure whether I can finish all of those, but if I can manage to finish the list before the end of July I'll add more to the list. Here they are:

  • Carroll, Lewis – Alice's Adventure in Wonderland
  • Dickens, Charles – The Tale of Two Cities
  • James, Henry – Portrait of a Lady
  • Stevenson, Robert Louis – Treasure Island
  • Thackeray, William – Vanity Fair
  • Wilde, Oscar – The Importance of Being Earnest

I plan to re-read some Sherlock Holmes too, but I won't put them on the list yet. So, happy Victorian reading for those who celebrate it.


  1. Happy Victorian reading!!
    I will read 2 Dickens, and Oscar Wilde too (The Picture of Dorian Gray).

    Just curious, do you read English books (all of them) or the translation?

    1. I read the English. I find it hard to find translations today, especially good ones. Besides, I enjoy the way the Victorians speak. It always amuses me.

      I read translation into Bahasa when I'm curious, and translation into English when I read non-English literature though.

  2. Your list is amazing. I especially love A Tale of Two Cities, which one of my favourite books of all times. Seriously, it is so wonderful! But make sure you've got a handkerchief around before you read the ending. I'm still sobbing.

  3. Great list - I'm reading Dickens too - Our Mutual Friend. Enjoy your Victorian reading.

  4. I love your list! But when it comes to the Victorians, one is spoiled for choice. :)

    I love The Importance of Being Earnest. Oscar Wilde's plays always make me smile -- I can't wait to read more of them. I hope you enjoy it.
