Friday 22 February 2013

A Modern March: A Classic Club Event

Allie from A Literary Odyssey is hosting the event in March. The idea is reading books written by the Modernist.

Some of the big writers of the Modernist period were:
    William Faulkner
    Virginia Woolf
    Ezra Pound
    F. Scott Fitzgerald
    Ernest Hemingway
    Samuel Beckett
    Gertrude Stein
    e e cummings
    James Joyce
There are more, of course, but those are the heavy hitters of the period and those most closely associated with the movement.

Fortunately, I have This Side of Paradise by Fitzgerald that I need to read as a part of the Classic Club Spin reading event. Therefore by signing up for this event I shall have double reason to finish the book. 


  1. Good luck :) I am planning to read Fitzgerald's "Tender is the Night" for Modern March event.

  2. Two events with one book - sounds perfect. Happy reading!
